Why Children's Music Academy
"I wish all education could be like Children's Music Academy where my three children have felt special, successful, and competent. Music is not a frill - it's one of the basics that should be included in a child's life.”
–Coleen, CMA Mom and Primary Teacher
Musical Development
Our approach to teaching young children music is unique.
- Our curriculum is designed to maximize the "musical window" between ages 4 to 8 when the potential development of the musical ear is the greatest.
- We help them to not only learn to enjoy music, but engage with it in a very real way.
- We offer a full-spectrum foundation that will help them to excel regardless of the direction their musical path takes in life.
- We encourage a child's individuality through introducing and exercising a broad variety of musical expressions.
Whole child development
Musical training in the early years has many other benefits in the development of the whole child that go way beyond musical ability.
- Builds spatial-temporal reasoning skills critical for greater success in math and science studies.
- Music students out-perform non-music students on achievement tests in reading and math.
- Music students receive more academic honors and awards than non-music students.
- Develops social and emotional skills including the ability to relate to others and better express ideas, and less likely to have behavior/discipline problems.
Challenging and Positive
Children learn better in a positive environment. At Children's Music Academy your child will be challenged to develop beyond what you may think is possible, but it is done in such a positive, non-pressured way that often they don't even realize they're learning.
- Our approach is fun, affirming, non-pressured and creative.
- Our small group setting utilizes lively, interactive and diverse experiences.
- Parental involvement increases their confidence.
- Weekly "home fun" gives them positive encouragement to practice what they're learning.
My research has shown the activities at CMA to be appropriately matched to young children’s skills, and that students feel highly challenged and successful

Dr. Lori Custodero, Columbia University
Teachers College Director of Education
All three of our boys have gone through the CMA program. While it was definitely a time commitment, all of my boys have a solid foundation in theory, reading/playing music and ear training. The time we were able to spend with each child during the classes was priceless.

Julie and John
CMA Parents